Well, that wraps up the 'Dream Creeper Strikes' storyline. But never fear, a new Boogieland storyline begins this Mon., 5/13th. Be sure to check back then as I'm convinced you won't want to miss it! I don't have quite as much planned this weekend as I had last weekend, which is probably good because I could use the rest! Speaking of last weekend, look below to check out a cool image of Magnet Man by talented photographer Tom Akers from the show in Elkin on this past Sat.! Tom will be taking lots of pictures of the BWC Family, so look for many more examples of his fine work here in the future! I highly recommend a visit to the real Boogieland in person this Sunday or any Sunday, from 12 noon to 4pm. Admission is free! Click HERE for more info. Thanks for reading! Take care! Magnet Man photo by Tom Akers
What a great weekend! I hope your Sat. & Sun. tag team was as fun as mine! On Sat. I got to watch my son Douglas play soccer, got some cool comics for Free Comic Book Day, watched Douglas read a book to other children at a book fair, had a blast w/the BWC Family in Elkin at the Valiant Cup show & said 'May the 4th be w/you' a lot. Then on Sun. I spent some time w/my wife & son before heading out to camp for an awesome celebration of Boogie's 49th year in wrestling! Then I made it back in time for my wife Gala's birthday party! The party was yesterday, but her birthday is actually today, so a special happy birthday wish to my beautiful, wonderful wife, Gala! I love you so much! I need a nap, but after today's Boogieland strip, I'm worried the Dream Creeper might get me! Be back this Thursday, May 9th, to see what happens next! I highly recommend a visit to the real Boogieland in person this Sunday or any Sunday, from 12 noon to 4pm. Admission is free! Click HERE for more info. Thanks for reading! Take care!
Well, maybe we will all have good dreams tonight while the Dream Creeper is distracted by his battle w/Boogie & MM. Be back this Mon., May 6th for more on that conflict! Meanwhile, someone's dream is about to come true as one wrestler will claim the prestigious Valiant Cup this Sat. night in Elkin, NC at the EWA show at the Elkin National Guard army! Then, this Sun., from 12pm-4pm at BWC in Shawsville, VA, we celebrate Jimmy Valiant's 49th anniversary in wrestling! You won't want to miss either one of these special events! & speaking of special events, be sure to stop by your favorite comic shop this Sat. & pick up a free comic book or two to celebrate Free Comic Book Day! I highly recommend a visit to the real Boogieland in person this Sunday for the big bash or any Sunday, from 12 noon to 4pm. Admission is free! Click HERE for more info. Thanks for reading! Take care!
It's hard to believe how close we are to the big wrestling show in Elkin, NC on Sat. 5/4 at the National Guard Armory, featuring the big battle royal for the Valiant Cup! & don't forget Boogie's 49th Anniversary in Wrestling celebration at BWC in Shawsville, VA the next day on 5/5, featuring special guests George South & Pretty Boy Stan Lee! Before all that though, mark your calendars & be back here online this Thurs., 5/2 for another exciting Boogieland or Bust comic strip! I highly recommend a visit to the real Boogieland in person this Sunday or any Sunday, from 12 noon to 4pm. Admission is free! Click HERE for more info. Thanks for reading! Take care! Check out this great pic of Boogie putting MM's lights out w/the sleeper hold! Now he just needs to find a lamp to hit himself over the head w/!
Look out Dream Creeper! Boogie & MM are coming for you! Don't forget the big Valiant Cup battle royal on Sat. 5/4 at the National Guard Armory in Elkin, NC & Boogie's 49th Anniversary in Wrestling celebration at BWC in Shawsville, VA the next day on 5/5, featuring special guests George South & Pretty Boy Stan Lee! It's going to be an awesome weekend! I just hope The Dream Creeper lets everyone get some sleep between now & then! Be back this Monday, 4/29 to find out how Boogie plans to stop Dream Creeper's devious attack on the dreams of the BWC Family! I highly recommend a visit to the real Boogieland in person this Sunday or any Sunday, from 12 noon to 4pm. Admission is free! Click HERE for more info. Thanks for reading! Take care!
The big weekend is almost here! On Sat., May 4th, at the Elkin National Guard Armory in Elkin, NC, the prestigious Valiant Cup will be up for grabs in a special battle royal! Then, on Sun., May 5th, from Noon to 4pm at BWC in Shawsville, VA, join in the celebration of Jimmy Valiant's 49th anniversary in pro wrestling! The event will feature special guest stars George South & "Pretty Boy" Stan Lee & will be filmed for an upcoming DVD release! You won't want to miss this special weekend of wrestling history in the making! In the mean time, be sure to check back here every Mon. & Thurs. for another exciting Boogieland or Bust comic strip! I highly recommend a visit to the real Boogieland in person this Sunday or any Sunday, from 12 noon to 4pm. Admission is free! Click HERE for more info. Thanks for reading! Take care!
Welcome to the start of an all new Boogieland adventure! When it comes to Bowling Dodgeball, Team BWC could very well be the finest group ever assembled, but will they have what it takes to beat the mighty Russian team & take an impressive sixth trophy? Find out this Monday, April 22nd, as the "Dream Creeper Strikes" storyline continues! I highly recommend a visit to the real Boogieland in person this Sunday or any Sunday, from 12 noon to 4pm. Admission is free! Click HERE for more info. Thanks for reading! Take care! |