Happy New Year! Welcome to 2018 & the first Boogieland strip of the new year! The Belated Christmas adventure continues into this new year! May the year ahead hold much wonder, adventure, awesomeness & fun! Be back this Thus. for more holiday action! I highly recommend a visit to the real Boogieland in person this Sunday, or any Sunday, from 12 noon to 4pm. Admission is free! Click HERE for more info. Thanks for reading! Take care! Merry Christmas!
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Well, Christmas Day may be over, but hopefully we will keep the spirit of Christmas alive all the days of the year. As far as the comic goes, I'm obviously not done w/Christmas just yet. I have one more Christmas themed idea left that I want to share in this new 'Belated Christmas' storyline. It's not a very long story, but hopefully you will enjoy reading it! Be back this Mon. as the 'Belated Christmas' storyline continues! I highly recommend a visit to the real Boogieland in person this Sunday or any Sunday, from 12 noon to 4pm. Admission is free! Click HERE for more info. Thanks for reading! Take care!
Boogieland or Bust! #754 - On the First Day of Doom... An End of Christmas Special, pt. 1512/14/2017 Merry Christmas! I hope you are having a wonderful day! I hope you enjoyed today's double-sized conclusion to this year's Christmas storyline! But the Christmas fun isn't over yet! That special surprise bonus is a special Christmas strip continuing the annual tradition of having my mom Faye save Christmas in some way. This year she saves it a different way! Check it out directly below this! Merry Merry Christmas & Happy New Year! I highly recommend a visit to the real Boogieland in person this Sunday or any Sunday, from 12 noon to 4pm. Admission is free! Click HERE for more info. Thanks for reading! Take care! Boogieland or Bust #755 - Faye Saves The Day In Another Way..., pt. 1 of 1 Merry Christmas Mom! Thank you so much for all that you've done for me at Christmas & throughout the entire year! You are awesome! I love you! Well, that really does wrap up another season of Christmas storylines. I'm going to go now & enjoy the day! I hope you all will too! Take care! I highly recommend a visit to the real Boogieland in person this Sunday or any Sunday, from 12 noon to 4pm. Admission is free! Click HERE for more info. Thanks for reading! Take care!
Boogieland or Bust! #753 - On the First Day of Doom... An End of Christmas Special, pt. 1412/14/2017 Merry Christmas Eve! Two days left in this Christmas season. I'm planning to enjoy them both to the fullest! One thing I've really enjoyed is bringing all these daily Christmas comics to you, my faithful readers & dear friends! Be back tomorrow for Christmas Day & the final strip in this 12 days of Christmas adventure! Plus a surprise bonus! I highly recommend a visit to the real Boogieland in person this Sunday or any Sunday, from 12 noon to 4pm. Admission is free! Click HERE for more info. Thanks for reading! Take care!
Boogieland or Bust! #752 - On the First Day of Doom... An End of Christmas Special, pt. 1312/14/2017 Merry Christmas Eve Eve! We are getting closer & closer to Christmas Day! Today we are going out of town for a family Christmas get together so that will be really nice. Tomorrow is the big Christmas Candy event at BWC on Christmas Eve & then when we wake up the next day it will be Christmas morning! That's a lot of Christmas! I hope you have a fun & peaceful rest of the season! Don't forget to come back here tomorrow & Monday for the final two strips in this storyline & maybe even a Christmas surprise! See you then!I highly recommend a visit to the real Boogieland in person this Sunday or any Sunday, from 12 noon to 4pm. Admission is free! Click HERE for more info. Thanks for reading! Take care!
Boogieland or Bust! #751 - On the First Day of Doom... An End of Christmas Special, pt. 1212/14/2017 Merry Christmas Eve Eve Eve! The big day is getting closer! Just three more daily comics after today including Christmas Day! Then it will be back to Mondays & Thursdays. I've enjoyed bringing you this '12 days of Christmas' comic strip storyline. Be back for the last few! See you tomorrow! I highly recommend a visit to the real Boogieland in person this Sunday or any Sunday, from 12 noon to 4pm. Admission is free! Click HERE for more info. Thanks for reading! Take care!
Boogieland or Bust! #750 - On the First Day of Doom... An End of Christmas Special, pt. 1112/14/2017 When I got to the 75th Boogieland comic strip, way back when, I'm pretty sure I celebrated the milestone. So now here I am w/ten times that many strips. I guess that's another cool accomplishment. I had a wonderful time at my work Christmas party today. The food was delicious, the decorations were amazing & the time spent w/friends was the best part. When the bus pulls up to take you to the party & Santa is driving, you can't help but be in the Christmas spirit! Be back tomorrow to enjoy the Christmas spirit along w/me in the form of another daily Christmas Boogieland strip! I highly recommend a visit to the real Boogieland in person this Sunday or any Sunday, from 12 noon to 4pm. Admission is free! Click HERE for more info. Thanks for reading! Take care!
Boogieland or Bust! #749 - On the First Day of Doom... An End of Christmas Special, pt. 1012/14/2017 We are over half-way there, but the Boogieland Fun is far from done! Be back tomorrow to continue following the daily Christmas adventures in Boogieland! I highly recommend a visit to the real Boogieland in person this Sunday or any Sunday, from 12 noon to 4pm. Admission is free! Click HERE for more info. Thanks for reading! Take care!
Boogieland or Bust! #748 - On the First Day of Doom... An End of Christmas Special, pt. 912/14/2017 Video games, Christmas, Jimmy Valiant & even a Globetrotters reference! What could be more fun than that! I hope you enjoyed today's comic strip! Come back tomorrow for another one! See you then! I highly recommend a visit to the real Boogieland in person this Sunday or any Sunday, from 12 noon to 4pm. Admission is free! Click HERE for more info. Thanks for reading! Take care!
Boogieland or Bust! #747 - On the First Day of Doom... An End of Christmas Special, pt. 812/14/2017 The countdown to Christmas really is on & I know it will be here & gone before long. Right now I'm focusing on the here & not worrying about the gone part. I will savor every second & take In every moment that I can. I'm sure I will have lots of fun in the 24 hours that make up Christmas day & I will certainly try to keep Christmas in all the days of the year! Keep checking back every day from now through Christmas as this special Christmas storyline continues daily! I highly recommend a visit to the real Boogieland in person this Sunday or any Sunday, from 12 noon to 4pm. Admission is free! Click HERE for more info. Thanks for reading! Take care!