The Jimmy Valiants are back! if you remember my The Jimmy Valiants Fantasy Football team from last year, I'm proud to announce the team is back for another season of fantasy competition! Douglas & I had our draft yesterday. He picked up some quality players for his HONEYBADGERS team & hopefully I picked some winners who will take The Jimmy Valiants all the way to the championship! Time will tell! I'll keep you all posted once the season starts. Be back this Thurs. as the Boogie Fever storyline continues! Thanks for reading! I highly recommend a visit to the real Boogieland in person this Sunday or any Sunday, from 12 noon to 4pm. Admission is free! Click HERE for more info. Take care!
I had a wonderful vacation last week at the beach w/my wife Gala's side of the family. We had a lot of fun spending quality time together. Special thanks to my mom, Faye, for making sure the comic got posted on schedule despite my limited internet access. You rock Mom! Be back this Mon. as the Boogie Fever storyline continues! Thanks for reading! I highly recommend a visit to the real Boogieland in person this Sunday or any Sunday, from 12 noon to 4pm. Admission is free! Click HERE for more info. Take care!
In some ways it seems like just yesterday that I started doing this Boogieland comic strip & in other ways it seems like I've been doing this forever! Either way, it's been a lot of fun & I can't wait to keep going w/new adventures & exciting stories for Boogie & the BWC crew! A big thank you so much to everyone who's been around for all or even part of the last 700 strips! Thanks for reading! I greatly appreciate it! Let's hope for 700 more & beyond! Thank you so much as always to Boogie & Angel for letting my wild & crazy comic stories take place at the camp and for being the big inspiration for this comic strip! I can't begin to thank you enough! I highly recommend a visit to the real Boogieland in person this Sunday or any Sunday, from 12 noon to 4pm. Admission is free! Click HERE for more info. Take care!
Happy Friday Eve! I hope your summer is going well. I have been enjoying plenty of fun in the sun & good family time this summer. I hate to see it end, but I'm certainly looking forward to the fall season. Still plenty of summer to go before we get into the next season though. Be back this Mon. for the next installment in the Boogie Fever storyline! It will be the milestone 700th Boogieland comic strip if you can believe it! Where does the time go?! Thanks for reading! I highly recommend a visit to the real Boogieland in person this Sunday or any Sunday, from 12 noon to 4pm. Admission is free! Click HERE for more info. Take care!
Happy Monday, everyone. If you haven't played the Battle For Boogieland video game, go play it now on the main page of this site. It is a collaboration between me & my son Douglas, but Douglas did all the programming & most of the work. Great job Douglas! Be back this Thursday for another incredible Boogieland or Bust comic strip! Thanks for reading! I highly recommend a visit to the real Boogieland in person this Sunday or any Sunday, from 12 noon to 4pm. Admission is free! Click HERE for more info. Take care!
It's here! It's here! The Jimmy Valiant video game! Battle for Boogieland! My son, Douglas, recently attended a camp for talented & gifted students & one of the things they learned was how to program your own, personalized Pong-style video games. He came up w/a cool outer-space game & then we worked together to customize our own, simple but fun BWC video game! It's currently up right on the main page of this site but it will soon have it's own special section. Be sure to play it over & over & let us know your high score! I'm so proud of Douglas for making this a reality. Way to go! Be back this Mon. for more of the Boogie Fever storyline! Thanks for reading! I highly recommend a visit to the real Boogieland in person this Sunday or any Sunday, from 12 noon to 4pm. Admission is free! Click HERE for more info. Take care!
It was Rashad Jennings Foundation weekend this weekend here in my neck of the woods! Douglas & I had a blast as always! On Sat. Douglas took part in the Camp 180 Football camp. He even got the chance to throw a couple passes to NFL running back Rashad Jennings himself. Then on Sunday, the Dancing W/The Stars champion & his Rashad Jennings Foundation held their annual Family Fun Day at a local park. There was live music, food, games & so much more, all absolutely free courtesy of Rashad & the RJF crew! Thank you so much Rashad & your hard working staff & all the volunteers who made this another super successful & wonderfully fun weekend! Can't wait for next year! Be back this Thurs. for more Boogieland fun as the Boogie Fever storyline continues! Thanks for reading! I highly recommend a visit to the real Boogieland in person this Sunday or any Sunday, from 12 noon to 4pm. Admission is free! Click HERE for more info. Take care!
Well, in once sense, now that July 4th is over it kind of feels like summer is too. Fortunately, there's still a lot more summer fun to be had this year as things are really just getting started. I'm sure it will go fast, so enjoy it while you can! I know I will! Have a great rest of summer! Be back this Mon. for another exciting Boogieland comic strip! Thanks for reading! I highly recommend a visit to the real Boogieland in person this Sunday or any Sunday, from 12 noon to 4pm. Admission is free! Click HERE for more info. Take care!
I'm pleased to report that the 2017 BWC Car Wash was a complete success! It was so nice seeing so many BWC Family members show up to lend a hand for the camp we love! I was very proud of Lil' M for working hard both holding signs & washing cars! & of course, we had a blast doing it! It was a fun, productive & successful day! A great big thank you to everyone who came out to be a part of the day! Thank you to to all the people who took the time out of their day to get their cars washed & meet Jimmy Valiant! Special thanks to Dangerous Darrell for that Wendy's run to save the day w/cold, refreshing Frosy's for the crew! Can't wait for next year! I wish everyone reading this a safe, happy & fun Independence Day! Have a great Fourth! Be back this Thurs. for more Boogieland fun w/Boogie, Boogie & the rest of the gang! I highly recommend a visit to the real Boogieland in person this Sunday or any Sunday, from 12 noon to 4pm. Admission is free! Click HERE for more info. Take care!