Willie Valiant is doing his thing in the ring in this no DQ match for the BWC Statue of Liberty replica, but do the bad guys have a plan to take him out of the equation? & is shooting someone w/a laser blast rifle taking the whole no disqualification thing just a little too far? Find out this Thursday in the next exciting installment of Boogieland or Bust! Be sure to visit the real Boogieland in person any Sunday from 12 noon to 4pm. Admission is free! Click HERE for more info. A great day to visit BWC would be this coming Sept. 11th, 2011 for the big annual Graduation Ceremony! Thanks for reading!
Hard to believe we are already at the milestone 75th installment of Boogieland or Bust! Also hard to believe that my son Douglas started Kindergarten on Tuesday! & who knew that Willie Valiant was such an expert on alien species! Looks like his fast thinking came in handy this time around but will it be enough to hold off the remaining challengers?! Come back this Monday, August 29th to find out! If you haven't already, be sure to check out Fred the Alien's first visit to BWC in the Mistaken Liberty Short Film! Be sure to visit the real Boogieland in person any Sunday from 12 noon to 4pm. Admission is free! Click HERE for more info. Thanks for reading!
This weekend was crazy busy but lots of fun for me. On Friday, My son Douglas & I met Sgt. Slaughter at a baseball game which our team won. Then on Sat. my friend Jonathan & I met Stan Lee at Baltimore Comic Con & saw the "world's largest gummy bear!" Then, on Sunday my wife Gala & I took Douglas to King's Dominion to celebrate his 6th birthday which is actually today. Happy Birthday Douglas! I love you! The fun & the crazy doesn't let up today as we have meet the teacher day at Douglas' school today followed by his birthday party & football practice! Of course I had to make the time to get the new installment of Boogieland up for your reading enjoyment! Be back this Thursday, Aug. 25th to find out how Precious can possibly turn the tide in the big match! If you haven't already, be sure to check out Fred the Alien's first visit to BWC in the Mistaken Liberty Short Film! Be sure to visit the real Boogieland in person any Sunday from 12 noon to 4pm. Admission is free! Click HERE for more info. Thanks for reading!
The match continues this Monday, August 22nd, in part 7 of The Liberty Objective storyline! Another member of the Valiant family lends a hand! Check back every Thursday & Monday for a new installment! If you haven't already, be sure to check out Fred's first visit to BWC in the Mistaken Liberty Short Film! Be sure to visit the real Boogieland in person any Sunday from 12 noon to 4pm. Admission is free! Click HERE for more info. Thanks for reading!
Will Boogie get by w/a little help from his brothers? Find out as The Liberty Objective storyline continues every Thursday & Monday! Special thanks to Willie Valiant who makes his debut in the Boogieland comic strip! Welcome Jammin' Jake! If you haven't already, be sure to check out Fred's first visit to BWC in the Mistaken Liberty Short Film! Be sure to visit the real Boogieland in person any Sunday from 12 noon to 4pm. Admission is free! Click HERE for more info. Thanks for reading!
Looks like Boogie will have to defeat a Four Man Gang if he wants to save the statue! But no one ever said he had to face them alone! The Liberty Objective storyline continues this Monday, August 15th! If you haven't already, be sure to check out Fred's first visit to BWC in the Mistaken Liberty Short Film! Be sure to visit the real Boogieland in person any Sunday from 12 noon to 4pm. Admission is free! Click HERE for more info. Thanks for reading!
I have to start off by saying that today is a very special day for me as it is my 11th Wedding Anniversary! I am blessed to be be married to my beautiful, sweet, precious wife Gala who is & will always be the love of my life! Thank you, Gala, Beautiful, for the best 11 years of my life! I'm so excited about spending the rest of our lives together! I want to be the best husband I can be for you! I love you!
Speaking of special days, I'd like to say one more Happy Birthday to the Boogie Woogie Man, Jimmy Valiant who's big day was just a couple days ago. & a Happy Birthday to Angel who will celebrate her birthday in a few more days. You guys are the best! & now to the comic. If anyone is at all confused by or unclear on the history between Fred the Alien & Jimmy Valiant, I highly recommend checking out Fred's first visit to BWC in the Mistaken Liberty Short Film! Be here next week when we meet the Boogie's opponents in the big no DQ match! & check back every Monday & Thursday for a new installment in the Liberty Objective storyline! Be sure to visit the real Boogieland in person any Sunday from 12 noon to 4pm. Admission is free! Click HERE for more info. Thanks for reading! The Liberty Objective continues! This storyline is a sequel to the events in the Mistaken Liberty short film which can be seen elsewhere on this site. Click HERE to check out Fred's first appearance in the Mistaken Liberty Short Film! Check back every Monday & Thursday for a new installment in the Liberty Objective storyline! Be sure to visit the real Boogieland in person any Sunday from 12 noon to 4pm. Admission is free! Click HERE for more info. Thanks for reading!