I highly recommend a visit to the real Boogieland in person this Sunday or any Sunday, from 12 noon to 4pm. Admission is free! Click HERE for more info. Thanks for reading!
I'm very excited about being a part of Campbell County Public Library system's Comic-Con this Sat. from 10am to 2pm in Rustburg, VA. If you are in the area you should make a point to stop by to catch my presentation & enjoy all the other cool presenters & events! Check out the flyer below for more info! Hope to see you there! Be back this Monday for the next installment in the current 'Captain Joe' storyline!
I highly recommend a visit to the real Boogieland in person this Sunday or any Sunday, from 12 noon to 4pm. Admission is free! Click HERE for more info. Thanks for reading!
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The Special Olympics World Games are currently being held & I applaud all of the athletes who have overcome adversity to compete in these challenging events. I am proud to know BWC's own Special Olympics Gold Medalist James 'Megatron' Gregory who has won many medals in past events. Megatron has appeared many times in this very comic strip! Congrats to Megatron & all of the Special Olympics Athletes! You are all winners! Be back this Thursday for the next installment in the current storyline! I highly recommend a visit to the real Boogieland in person this Sunday or any Sunday, from 12 noon to 4pm. Admission is free! Click HERE for more info. Thanks for reading!
This is an exciting day for Douglas & me because we have our NFL Fantasy draft today! I hope we get some good players who will get lots of points for us! I never played Fantasy Football until last season when Douglas decided he wanted to try it, so we teamed up to give it a shot. We ended up finishing 3rd in our league. Not bad for a couple of rookies! Time will tell how we do this year. Today is also exciting because I get to publish a new Boogieland comic! Enjoy! Be back this Monday for more! Don't miss it! I highly recommend a visit to the real Boogieland in person this Sunday or any Sunday, from 12 noon to 4pm. Admission is free! Click HERE for more info. Thanks for reading!
Welcome to the start of a new Boogieland adventure! I give you 'The Treasure of Captain Joe!' Special thanks to the real Captain Joe for joining the Boogieland fun! Glad to have you Captain! Hope you enjoy the new storyline! Be back this Thursday to see what happens next! I highly recommend a visit to the real Boogieland in person this Sunday or any Sunday, from 12 noon to 4pm. Admission is free! Click HERE for more info. Thanks for reading!
Having fun at the beach right now, but that won't stop me from bringing you the final installment in the Nightmare Saga! Something tells me we haven't seen the last of The Nightmare! Thanks to the real life Nightmare & all the great real life BWC characters who took part in this storyline! Be back this Mon. for the start of another exciting Boogieland or Bust comic adventure!
I highly recommend a visit to the real Boogieland in person this Sunday or any Sunday, from 12 noon to 4pm. Admission is free! Click HERE for more info. Thanks for reading! It was a great weekend for football & family fun as the Rashad Jennings Foundation rolled into my town to put on a free football camp for the kids on Sat. & the annual Family Fun Day at the park on Sun. I can't thank Rashad Jennings & his foundation enough for their generosity & their care for our children and families. & of course any day is a great day to read a Boogieland or Bust comic strip, so I hope you will enjoy this one & be sure to come back this Thurs. for the next installment! I highly recommend a visit to the real Boogieland in person this Sunday or any Sunday, from 12 noon to 4pm. Admission is free! Click HERE for more info. Thanks for reading!
Happy Shark Week! While I'd never want to see a shark in person in the ocean, it was a thrill to take my son Douglas to meet his all-time favorite wrestler, Shark Boy, at a wrestling show in KY. Then, earlier this year he got to see Shark Boy again at a show in WV. I even got to be the guest ring announcer for Shark Boy's match, which made Douglas very proud. Celebrate Shark Week by checking out the special Shark Boy spotlight over at the TNA Wrestling Website. Happy Shark Week Shark Boy! Be sure to be back this Mon. for the next installment in the Nightmare Factor storyline! I highly recommend a visit to the real Boogieland in person this Sunday or any Sunday, from 12 noon to 4pm. Admission is free! Click HERE for more info. Thanks for reading! Douglas w/his favorite wrestler, Shark Boy!
Had a great Independence Day w/my family. Made sure to watch Jimmy Valiant in some Great American Bash footage, watched the Captain America 70s TV movies, spent the day at the pool, ate some delicious food & watched some fireworks! Then, Fourth of July weekend ended in appropriate fashion as The US Woman's Soccer team won the World Cup on Sunday. Congratulations team! What a great win for our country! Be back this Thursday for another Boogieland strip as The Nightmare Factor storyline continues! I highly recommend a visit to the real Boogieland in person this Sunday or any Sunday, from 12 noon to 4pm. Admission is free! Click HERE for more info. Thanks for reading!
Happy Independence Day Eve Eve! The Fourth of July is almost here! I hope you have a fun, safe time celebrating our freedom w/your family & friends. Hopefully I'll get to see some fireworks & eat some yummy food & I'm going to make a special point to celebrate by watching some classic Great American Bash footage featuring my favorite wrestler, Jimmy Valiant! Then, the day after July 4th, we will have another reason to chant 'USA! USA!' as the US women's soccer team will play for the FIFA World Cup championship against Japan. Go USA! Be back this Monday for another exciting installment of Boogieland or Bust to find out just what The Nightmare is planning to detonate! Be here! I highly recommend a visit to the real Boogieland in person this Sunday or any Sunday, from 12 noon to 4pm. Admission is free! Click HERE for more info. Thanks for reading!