The big 20th BWC Graduation Ceremony is getting closer! The magic will happen on Sun., Sept. 9th, from 12 Noon to 4pm. It's going to be the place to be! In addition to the ceremony, you will be able to watch the next class of students train, enjoy live music by Scotty B, visit the camp buildings, meet wrestling stars such as Boogie, Ricky Morton, Ivan Koloff & more. Plus you can even meet the real life inspirations for many of the characters who have appeared in this very comic strip! You won't want to miss it! Admission is free! Click HERE for more info. I hope you enjoyed the conclusion of the MM R.I.P. storyline. Be back this Monday, Sept. 3rd for the beginning of the "It's Raining Magnet Men" storyline. Thanks for reading! Take care!
Any Sunday is a good time to visit the camp but an especially good time will be the upcoming 20th BWC Graduation Ceremony on Sunday, Sept. 9th, from 12 Noon to 4pm. In addition to the ceremony itself, you will be able to watch the next class of students train, enjoy live music by Scotty B, visit the camp buildings, meet wrestling stars such as Boogie, Ricky Morton, Ivan Koloff & more. Plus you can even meet the real life inspirations for many of the characters who have appeared in this very comic strip! You won't want to miss it! Admission is free! Click HERE for more info. & don't forget to check back this Thursday, August, 30th for the funeral of our friend Magnet Man, featuring some kind words from one of my all time favorite wrestlers! Thanks for reading! Take care!
Yesterday was a very special day for me as my son Douglas turned seven years old. It's hard to believe it has been that long, but it has been a true blessing to be the father to such a wonderful boy. I love him very much & I'm very proud of the young man he is growing into. Happy Birthday Douglas! Be sure to check back this Monday, August 27th as funeral arrangements begin for the fallen Magnet Man. Plus, we get some more bad news. I highly recommend a visit to the real Boogieland in person this Sunday or any Sunday, from 12 noon to 4pm. Admission is free! Click HERE for more info. Thanks for reading! Take care!
Well, that concludes the "Captive Moon Saga" storyline. Wolfman Shane Adams may have gotten crushed when a helicoptor fell on him, but he seems to have just claimed one last victim! See how some of the characters in the Boogieland comic universe react to the loss of their friend this Thursday, August 23rd as a whole new Boogieland storyline begins right where the last one left off! I highly recommend a visit to the real Boogieland in person this Sunday or any Sunday, from 12 noon to 4pm. Admission is free! Click HERE for more info. Thanks for reading! Take care!
Well, that's one way to take care of your werewolf problem. It doesn't look like the Boogieland version of Michael Elliott survived his heroic crash landing, but the real life Michael Elliott is still alive, well & cranking out great wrestling documentaries! Go to the Ellbow Productions Website to find out more about Michael's awesome wrestling documentary projects & other video services. Be back this Monday, Aug. 20th to find out who lives & who dies as the Captive Moon storyline continues! I highly recommend a visit to the real Boogieland in person this Sunday or any Sunday, from 12 noon to 4pm. Admission is free! Click HERE for more info. Thanks for reading! Take care!
The Boogieland version of Michael Elliott may be beyond help at this point, but you can certainly help out the real life Michael Elliott by checking out his Ellbow Productions Website to find out more about his great wrestling documentary projects & other video services. Michael's first project was all about Jimmy Valiant & even features an appearance by our very own Magnet Man! His new project is called History & Tradition: The Story of the National Wrestling Alliance! I've watched both of these excellent, high quality DVDs multiple times & I would highly recommend them to any wrestling fan! I also highly recommend a visit to the real Boogieland in person this Sunday or any Sunday, from 12 noon to 4pm. Admission is free! Click HERE for more info. Be back this Thursday, Aug. 16th for more Boogieland fun & excitement! Thanks for reading! Take care!
Wolfman Shane Adams may have lost his army, but that doesn't mean that he will lose the war! Especially when he still seems to have a trick or two up his sleeve! Be back this Monday, August 13th to see what happens next in the next exciting installment in the Captive Moon saga! I'd like to take a moment to say Happy 12th Wedding Anniversary to my beautiful, amazing wife Gala. I look forward to spending the rest of my life w/you! Thank you for being a wonderful wife! I also want to wish Angel a very happy birthday this Saturday, August 11th! I highly recommend a visit to the real Boogieland in person this Sunday or any Sunday, from 12 noon to 4pm. Admission is free! Click HERE for more info. Thanks for reading! Take care!
It is a very special day in Boogieland as we wish a heartfelt Happy 70th Birthday to Jimmy Valiant! Congratulations on your milestone accomplishment! Thank you so much for 70 years of joy, fun & Boogie Woogie! The world became a little cooler 70 years ago today! Thanks for everything Boogie! Enjoy your special day! I highly recommend a visit to the real Boogieland in person this Sunday or any Sunday, from 12 noon to 4pm. Admission is free! Click HERE for more info. Thanks for reading! Take care!
Well, I guess that's the power of love! Be back this Monday, Aug. 6th to see the Valiants get some help from a very unexpected source! I highly recommend a visit to the real Boogieland in person this Sunday or any Sunday, from 12 noon to 4pm. Admission is free! Click HERE for more info. Thanks for reading! Take care!